Studying is part of the indispensable journey of a human being. Parents and young students have a multitude of choices for their children. However, continuing your studies abroad requires a diploma that is fully recognised by the state. It is therefore essential to know whether the diplomas awarded by the school chosen are recognised by the State or not.

The status of institutions and schools

For years, educational institutions or schools have been doing their best to educate students in order to graduate them. The status of a school must be Principal, i.e., recognised by the state. This state recognition certifies that the school has all the essential requirements for obtaining the diplomas for which it prepares. Recognised schools benefit from several state subsidies and can receive students on scholarships.

- Private under a contract of association with the State: A public school is recognised by the State following a ministerial request. The school in question must comply with all the enrolment standards, timetables and curricula of the Ministry of Education. The Chambers of Commerce and Industry or CCI and the Chambers of Trade or CMA, i.e., the consular schools, are fully recognised by the State. They have the possibility to award diplomas approved by the Minister of Education.

- Private non-contractual schools (not recognised by the State): These schools do not receive any support from the State. They are free to choose their own educational method, teaching content, curriculum and teacher recruitment.

Recognition of diplomas

Each diploma is recognised by the State if the following certification criteria are available

- Professional certification: This certification guarantees the validation of the knowledge and skills acquired by the student, necessary to carry out professional activities. It is granted by the State within the framework of their registration in the National Directory of Professional Certification or RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles).

- State approval: It confers on diplomas the national value of the State that issued them.

National and international accreditations and labels

At present, labels make it possible to know whether the diploma awarded by management and engineering schools is recognised by the State on a national and international level:

- The Conférence des Grandes écoles or CGE is the grouping of the grandes écoles of specific high education, management and engineering recognised by the State.

- The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business or AASCSB is for business schools only.

- The Association of MBAs or AMBA is a British label that is allowed by the Association of MBAs. It also accredits Doctor of Business Administration or DBA programmes as well as Masters’ degrees.