A career assessment is a way of finding out the professional or academic direction to take. To do this, it is necessary to know your strengths and weaknesses. This helps you to choose the right path at a turning point in your life. The strengths can be identified by oneself.

What is a career assessment?

A career assessment is a method of taking stock of one's career path. This can be a professional career or an educational course. It happens when the employee or learner reaches a turning point in his life. They have to make a choice to define their future. A career assessment can help to find the right path to change jobs or to choose a course of study. It can also help to get an idea of one's skills for the future. It is then necessary to identify one's strengths and weaknesses.

Why identify strengths?

Strengths are elements that define a person's abilities and skills. Knowing them is very useful when choosing between different professional and educational careers. It also helps you avoid making bad choices or mistakes about the path to be taken. Strengths can also help to determine the limits to push forward. In addition, weaknesses can be strengthened by building on one's strengths. They can also determine one's unique competence. It is then easy to have one's own character and attribute for work or schooling.

How to know one's strengths?

The identification of strengths is very useful for a career assessment. It helps you to know what goals you can achieve. It can also give an idea of your skills and potentials. In order to identify these, you need to ask questions about yourself. These questions should be based on achievements in work or school experiences. Everyone can determine his or her strengths by asking questions without lying to oneself. Strengths can be psychological, manual or muscular. It depends on the physical and mental condition of each individual.

A career assessment is a way of taking stock of one's professional or educational career. The identification of your strengths allows you to know your potentials. Indeed, before taking a decision on one's career path, it is best to know your skills and abilities.